Ytong Silent+
New: the Ytong Silent+, to which more than 10 percent fine grained autoclaved aerated concrete from residual materials is added. Xella works intensively on the production of products that can be reused again and again and strives to completely avoid waste.

Ytong Silent+ partition walls
Sound insulation index R‘w of double-shell house partitions made of Ytong Silent+ according to DIN 4109:2016 and 2018 respectively
Rohdichte- klasse |
Rechenwert der Wandrohdichte [kg/m³] |
Flächenbezogene Masse m'1) [kg/m²] |
Geschoss | Varianten2) | |||
Variante 1 [dB] |
Variante 2 [dB] |
Variante 3 [dB] |
Variante 4 [dB] |
2 × 17,5 cm | 1,6 | 1.500 | 545 | Basis | 62,6 | 59,6 | 62,6 | 65,6 |
Folge | 68,6 | 65,6 | 68,6 | 68,6 | ||||
2 × 24,0 cm | 740 | Basis | 66,3 | 63,3 | 66,3 | 69,3 | ||
Folge | 72,3 | 69,3 | 72,3 | 72,3 |
1)Zuschlag für Innenputz (jeweils einseitig) von insgesamt 20 kg/m² berücksichtigt
2)Sicherheitsbeiwert von 2 dB bereits berücksichtigt; Schalenabstand mindestens 30 mm und Hohlraumverfüllung mit Mineralwolledämmplatten Anwendungskurzzeichen WTH nach DIN 4108-1
The table values for the following storey must be reduced by the correction factor K = 0.6 + 5.5 log (m‘Tr,1/m‘f,m) ) for variants 1, 3 and 4 if the mean mass per unit area of the flanking components m'f,m m‘f,m on the reception side is less than or equal to the mass per unit area m‘Tr,1 of the shell on the reception side of the bivalve partition wall. The less favourable case for the correction value K shall be taken into account in the verification.
Ytong Silent+
Product characteristics1)
wall thickness [mm] |
Druck- festigkeits-/ Rohdichte- klasse |
Abmessung L x B x H [mm] |
Steingewicht ca. [kg/St.] |
Geregelt durch | charakteristische Mauerwerk- druckfestigkeit fk [N/mm²] |
Bewertetes Schalldämm-Maß Rw2) [dB] |
Stein- bedarf ca. [St/m²] |
Dünnmörtel- bedarf ca. [kg/m²] |
Arbeitszeit- richtwerte3) [h/m²] voll/gegliedert |
115 | 10-1,6 | 498x115x248 | 21,3 | DIN EN 771-2 DIN 20000-402 |
6,0 | 45,4 | 8 | 1,7 | 0,38/0,42 |
175 | 248x175x248 | 16,1 | 50,5 | 16 | 2,6 | 0,36/0,41 | |||
240 | 248x240x248 | 22,1 | 54,5 | 16 | 3,6 | 0,40/0,45 |
1)enthält Porenbetonmehl
2)Zuschlag von 20 kg/m² für Putz berücksichtigt
3) Intern ermittelte Werte
Suitable for:
- house partition walls
- load-bearing and non-load-bearing interior walls
- inner shell of outer walls
Not suitable for:
- masonry in contact with ground (cellar)
- infilling masonry
- framed masonry
Multipor Renosal
New: with Multipor Renosal, damp masonry is quickly and effectively desalinated and at the same time energetically improved.

Multipor Renosal
New: with the Multipor Renosal System, salt-loaded masonry is quickly and effectively desalinated and at the same time energetically improved.
Multipor desalination system Renosal
- Insulation system for salt-loaded wall constructions in need of renovation
- Unique combination of renovation and thermal insulation
- System with coordinated components and newly developed adhesive mortar
- Significantly longer service life than previous salt remediation systems
As a rule, salts enter the building with the moisture rising from the building ground. The result is moisture damage and cracks in masonry and plaster, which can cause harmful mould. The Multipor system can now be used to desalinate masonry for the simple renovation of loaded masonry.
The insulation board absorbs the dissolved salts via the water. The water evaporates on the surface, the salts remain in the Multipor board by deposition in the abundant pores and pore passages. Due to its higher compressive strength, the Multipor board is able to absorb the pressure generated during the crystallization of the salts without damage.
Ytong ThermUltra P2 0,07
New: the Ytong ThermUltra offers strength class 2 with a lambda value of 0.07 W/(mK). The stone is ideal for the construction of solid exterior wall constructions that meet the standards of a passive house or a KfW-Effizienzhaus 40 without an additional insulation layer.

Ytong P2-0,07 ThermUltra
Product characteristics
wall thickness [mm] |
Druck- festigkeits-/ Rohdichte- klasse |
Wärmeleitfähigkeit [W/mK] |
Abmessung LxBxH [mm] |
Wärmedurch- gangskoeffizient [W/m2K] |
Geregelt durch | Dünnmörtelbedarf ca. [kg/m3] | Arbeitszeit- richtwerte [h/m²] voll/gegliedert |
300 | 2-0,30 | 0,07 | 599x300x249 | 0,22 | DIN EN 771-4 DIN 20000-404 |
11,6 | 0,38/0,42 |
365 | 599x365x249 | 0,18 | 11,6 | 0,42/0,49 | |||
400 | 599x400x249 | 0,17 | 11,4 | 0,44/0,50 | |||
425 | 599x425x249 | 0,16 | 11,4 | 0,45/0,51 | |||
480 | 499x480x249 | 0,14 | 11,2 | 0,45/0,51 |
Ytong SWE ThermSuper
New: Ytong ThermSuper system wall elements with a lambda value of 0.08 W/(mK). The monolithic wall system is regarded as the answer to the capacity utilization and the shortage of skilled workers in the industry. The large-format construction system creates high-quality living space quickly and cost-effectively with a minimum of personnel.

Ytong SWE ThermSuper
Product characteristics
wall thickness [mm] |
Druck- festigkeits-/ Rohdichte- klasse |
Wärmeleitfähigkeit [W/mK] |
Abmessung LxBxH [mm] | Wärmedurch- gangskoeffizient [W/m2K] |
Geregelt durch | Arbeitszeit- richtwerte [h/m²] voll/gegliedert |
300 | AAC 2,5-0,35 | 0,08 | 298-748x300x2100-3000 | 0,25 | DIN EN 4223 DIN EN 12602 |
0,09/0,17 |
365 | 298-748x365x2100-3000 | 0,21 | 0,09/0,17 |
Naturalness & Performance
URSA PUREONE is the unique combination of naturalness and high performance in one product. The multi-award-winning high-performance insulation material, which was launched in Europe in 2010, has now been further developed in terms of its properties. Through the use of natural materials and the combination with the technical properties of thermal and sound insulation, the innovative, non-combustible insulation material ensures living comfort in every season. In addition, URSA PUREONE contributes to fire protection and thus to a high degree of safety in one's own four walls. And by the way, who chooses URSA PUREONE also protects the environment and the climate. Because with every amount of energy saved, resources are spared and CO2 emissions and energy costs significantly reduced.

URSA PUREONE consists of more than 99 percent of natural and recyclable resources and a binder based on renewable raw materials. We care about short delivery routes that's why we source the ingredients primarily from regional suppliers.

URSA PUREONE has a positive impact on indoor air quality. Because, not only the natural ingredients are free of formaldehyde, solvents, phenols, artificial colors and ammonia, but also in the production of the insulation material does not create formaldehyde. For example, URSA PUREONE fulfills the requirements of the environmental label "The Blue Angel - protects the environment and health because of low emissions" and the highest voluntary standards in the EU for indoor air emissions, as evidenced by Eurofins INDOOR AIR COMFORT GOLD certification.

URSA PUREONE combines all the advantages of mineral wool in one product. It is non-combustible - for maximum safety - and has very good thermal and sound insulating properties - for a high level of living comfort.

URSA PUREONE offers excellent thermal protection in winter and protect also in summer. This creates comfort in every room in every season, saves additional heating costs and contributes also to climate protection.

URSA PUREONE is very good sound insulating. Noise pollution from inside and outside is noticeably reduced by the insulating material - for more silence in all rooms.

URSA PUREONE is a product to protect for fire because the insulation material is non-combustible (A1) and does not glow. For example, PUREONE can be used to produce fire protection constructions in F30 to F90 quality.

URSA PUREONE has strong mechanical properties you will feel it while the installation. The insulating material can be easily and quickly cut. Whether plate or rolls - it fills cavities reliably and convinces with high clamping force and lasting dimensional stability. This reliably prevents thermal and sound bridges.
By combining the multiple benefits in one product, URSA PUREONE is particularly suitable for healthy and sustainable constructions, such as kindergartens, schools and hospitals.